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L293D Dual H-Bridge (16 pin DIP)

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Product Description

Each chip contains two full H-bridges (four half H-bridges). That means you can drive four solenoids, two DC motors bi-directionally, or one stepper motor. Just make sure they're good for under 600 mA since that's the limit of this chip. They do handle a peak of 1.2A but that's just for a short amount of time. What we like most about this particular driver is that it comes with built in kick-back diodes internally so you dont have to worry about the inductive kick damaging your project or driver

There's a PWM input per driver so you can control motor speed. Runs at 5V logic. Good for motor voltages from 4.5V up to 36V! This wont work well for 3V motors. The motor voltage is separate from the logic voltage.

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