The IdeaBoard is an educational Internet Of Things and Robotics development board created by in Costa Rica.
The IdeaBoard is based on the ESP32 microcontroller and features the following characteristics:
ESP32-WROOM-32E microcontroller
Dual H-Bridges for motor control (800mA for each motor)
Multi-color programmable RGB LED (WS2812B)
Programmable using CircuitPython/Micropython or the Arduino IDE (C/C++)
USB-C interface for programming and debugging (CH340G serial converter)
Standard .1" headers for convenient interfacing with GND and Vcc for each pin
STEMMA/QWIIC 4-pin interface for easy connections to Adafruit and Sparkfun i2c modules
Direct DC power for battery or power supply (5VDC - 9VDC)
7 pins for servos or other applications that require direct power
14 General Purpose I/O pins in total (7 direct power -- 7 with 3.3v logic)