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28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Driver

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Product Description

Motor Type Unipolar stepper motor
Connection Type 5 Wire Connection (to the motor controller)
Voltage 5 Volts DC
Frequency 100 Hz
Step mode Half-step mode recommended (8 step control signal sequence)
Step angle Half-step mode: 8 step control signal sequence (recommended) 5.625 degrees per step / 64 steps per one revolution of the internal motor shaft. Full Step mode: 4 step control signal sequence 11.25 degrees per step / 32 steps per one revolution of the internal motor shaft
Gear ratio Manufacturer specifies 64:1. Some patient and diligent people on the Arduino forums have disassembled the gear train of these little motors and determined that the exact gear ratio is in fact 63.68395:1. These means that in the recommended half-step mode we will have:64 steps per motor rotation x 63.684 gear ratio = 4076 steps per full revolution (approximately).
Wiring to the ULN2003 controller A (Blue), B (Pink), C (Yellow), D (Orange), E (Red, Mid-Point)
Weight 30g

The motor has 4 coils of wire that are powered in a sequence to make the magnetic motor shaft spin. When using the full-step method, 2 of the 4 coils are powered at each step. The default stepper library that comes pre-installed with the Arduino IDE uses this method. The 28BYJ-48 datasheet specifies that the preferred method for driving this stepper is using the half-step method, where we first power coil 1 only, then coil 1 and 2 together, then coil 2 only and so on…With 4 coils, this means 8 different signals, like in the table below.



ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board uses ULN2003 DARLINGTON ARRAYS to drive a 4-phase 5-wire UNIPOLAR stepper motor.

Arduino has a built-in Stepper Library with information regarding UNIPOLAR and BIPOLAR Stepper Motors.

Good notes regarding Steppers.

Datasheet for ULN2003 Darlington Array

Schematic for Driver Board


Here is a tutorial for connecting the 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor to the ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board.


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